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PrintMojo is proud to have Donkeyshines as its Featured Merchant.

May 24, 2010

PrintMojo is proud to have Donkeyshines as its Featured Merchant.

Working with Ryan of Donkeyshines is always a pleasure. Recently we asked Ryan some questions about his business. We find him talented and witty and would like to introduce him to you.

Meet the man behind the Donkeyshines – Part 1

PrintMojo : Hi there, would you mind introducing yourself?

Donkeyshines: I’m Ryan, CEO of Donkeyshines. CEO is kind of a funny word to use, as I am really the only person in the company. I AM Donkeyshines.

PM : How did you get started as a t-shirt designer and seller?

D: I started this business (if you want to call it that) for two reasons: 1) I aspire to one day not have a “real job” 2) I like to wear a specific style of t-shirt that nobody else is making, so I need to make them for myself.

PM: What is that style?

D: I would describe the style I like to wear as simple, with an understated sense of humor. Also, there are animals on the shirts.

PM: What kind of animals?

D: Animals behaving strangely.

PM: Does your business offer services or products outside of your PrintMojo store?

D: Short Answer: No.
Long answer: Not really, because Printmojo allows me to sell items other than shirts. I used to have a greeting card company which had a name that was really similar to the name of a popular t-shirt company. When I decided to focus more on T-shirts, I realized I had to come up with a new company name. I still make greeting cards, but luckily, Printmojo has allowed me to add these items to my inventory so that I can keep it all part of one brand and sell all of my merchandise from one site.

PM: Do you sell your t-shirts anywhere other than your PrintMojo powered store?

D: Aside from Donkeyshines, I sometimes submit designs to those t-shirt contest sites, but my style isn’t very popular with the voters on these sites. They seem to prefer more brightly colored designs, and also ones featuring human skulls. It’s probably for the best because the winning designs are taken over by the sites, and the designer forfeits all rights to the images. I prefer to hold on to ownership, even if it means I don’t get any prize money.

PM: Do you have any other webpages?

D: Actually, I recently started a webcomic, called Mirthless Myth. It is the story of a girl, a minotaur, and a talking diamond from outer space. You can check it out at

We definitely recommend that you check out Mirthless Myth both for the artwork and the humor. Join us again next week for Part 2 in which we discover which super power Ryan wishes he could have!

One Comment leave one →
  1. May 25, 2010 1:28 pm

    I get so many comments about my Donkeyshines Donkey Pegasus t-shirt. The story behind the tees make for excellent conversations pieces. It really adds to the shirt that the creator, Ryan is very personable and willing to chat on twitter about his work. I feel more like, a friend made me this awesome t-shirt rather than, I bought it from Store X. Two thumbs up to Donkeyshines.

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